Zadie’s Arm

Through Enable Web Central we found Zadie in Kansas City. Zadie’s mom was very helpful in providing sizing information, Zadie was excited to pick colors and design ideas. We contacted Kansas City Science City so they could scan Zadie’s residual arm for our test-fitting. Together with Bruce Kronberg and John Skogen we made an arm
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Kwawu 2.0 Prosthetic Hand

This version is the terminal only version for people with a standard forearm socket already. There are two other versions on thingiverse. The source Fusion 360 files can be found on Fusion360. I have redesigned the Kwawu arm to be more natural looking and more functional. The terminal device has a much higher grip
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Kwawu 2.0 – Socket Version

This version is the socket version intended for people with short forearm residual limbs. The printable files can be downloaded here on thingiverse. The source Fusion 360 files can be found on Fusion360. I have redesigned the Kwawu arm to be more natural looking and more functional. The terminal device has a much higher
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Kwawu Arm

  This design can be downloaded from Thingiverse here. This arm was designed for Kwawu John Mensah through e-NABLE Ghana. This is a remix of Christian Silva’s Flexi Arm 2. This is Christian’s wrist and arm design, with Steve Wood’s Flexi Hand fingers. I have gone back to the fingers of FlexyHand 2. I think
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